September 17, 2024

After 7 months of exploring nature, savoring the offerings of Fresno’s breweries, and enjoying the Californian weather, I finally landed a job! It was a bit of a struggle to find employment here. As a coder, I had assumed that the tech industry would readily welcome me, but it wasn’t that straightforward. The main challenge for me was that I code in a different language than what’s commonly used here. Of course, I could have tried to learn it, but that would have put me in stiff competition with other candidates.

To be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure if I wanted to go back to coding. I had already spent a decade doing that, so why not keep an open mind and broaden my horizons? Many friends suggested returning to my passion for cooking and working as a chef. I truly enjoy preparing food and engaging with guests in a restaurant, but in America, the culinary sector can be quite demanding and not as well compensated.

Finally, after months of searching, applying, and interviewing, I came across Equus Workforce Solutions. Equus is a comprehensive provider of workforce development services in North America. After two pleasant interviews, they offered me a position as a clerk for their youth program, with a focus on the Fresno city grant. Even though I may be somewhat overqualified, I was thrilled to join their team. I wanted to start working and be in an office environment with colleagues to improve my English skills and adapt to the American work culture.

I genuinely enjoy my job. My small team is dedicated to helping young people by providing them with the support they need to find and maintain employment. All the participants come from diverse backgrounds and have experienced challenging periods in their young lives. In the program I work for, the city offers them a type of internship to help them gain work experience. Additionally, we provide them with benefits such as mileage reimbursement, work attire, child care, and emergency housing. I assist the two case managers who coach the participants by handling administrative tasks, invoices, and checks.

During my work, I like to observe how processes operate, and due to my technical background, I enjoy making small automations or tools to enhance efficiency, which is highly appreciated by my team. They are truly grateful for everything I’ve contributed so far, and it’s a pleasure to work with them. We occasionally organize outings, usually on payday. The last time, we dined at a charming restaurant in the Tower District and later attended a Friday drag queen show at Splash, the local gay club. It was an absolute blast, with a great atmosphere and a warm welcome for everyone. The drag show was fantastic, and the club’s music was fabulous.

Tower District, Fresno

So, that’s why you haven’t heard from me much in the last month—I’ve embarked on a new chapter in my life. But I’m excited to be a part of society once again!

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